Christmas baking!

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I love cooking and I especially love to cook seasonally. Here is some of my Christmas baking,

  • Little Santa’s made with circles of chocolate cake with cream and a strawberry.
  •  Christmas pudding, the 3rd one I have made as the other 2 got eaten! This one is for my Dad.
  • A pavlova made into a wreath shape and then decorated with summer berries and mint leaves (Christmas comes at summer time in NZ)
  • Christmas mince pies made with home made Christmas mince, the star shaped ones are fig, ginger and chocolate (my personal favourite), the rest a more traditional flavour.

lots more cooking to be done…….and if you like to read about cooking, food, eating whilst travelling come back and see more of my blog, better still follow me!

If you want things to change, you have to do something different.

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Only 5 weeks to go! Today was my last day at school, it has been a joy to teach at Marist College and I am grateful for the year’s leave. My classroom is empty and bare, the farewells have been said and the laptop and keys are handed in. It is quite liberating. Mike, however, will work until January 9th.

We have sold our cars, they went on the market last Saturday and by Tuesday they were both sold! Long story short, we still have transport until we leave. Saturday also saw round one of the inoculations! More painful on the wallet than in the arm. We have also started packing up the house. Quite a few people have commented on our bravery but what we are doing doesn’t seem scary, it seems a mix of natural and necessary, the questions of what will happen and how this experience will  change us is exciting.